Tuesday, February 24, 2015

And then there were 4....

If I could describe the past few weeks with one word, it would probably be- "adjusting". I wish I could use- "blissful" or something equally happy. But the fact is, we are still adjusting. Adjusting as a family of 4. Adjusting to living in Wentzville. Adjusting to lack of sleep. Etc. And Charlotte's biggest adjustment- not being the only child/center of attention.

Throughout the day we hear:

"will you play with me?" (x100!!!!)... which then goes to "nobody wants to play with me!" followed by her storming to her bedroom and slamming the door. Sometimes it goes as far as "nobody loves me!" and I even heard "you don't want me anymore".

Heartbreaking, I know. But don't by into it. Chuck and I play with Charlie ALL DAY LONG. It doesn't help that (1) it is FREEZING cold outside and (2) she happens to be the BIGGEST ball of energy ever created. Seriously? Why cant I have one of those "chill" kids that likes to just sit quietly and watch tv/play games by themselves? (don't worry Charlotte- I still love your crazy ass!)

Regardless, we make do with indoor activities. And we each try to take her out on Mommy/Daughter and Daddy/Daughter dates each week. Even if it is just a trip to the store and out to lunch. Within the past few weeks we have been to myseum, ice skating, Chuckie Cheeses (just hours before that crazy shooting!) bowling, and the Soulard dog parade. Not to mention the billions of trips to the park when the weather is nice enough. And she thinks she is so neglected...sheesh. Here are a few videos. Sorry for all the slow-mo clips. I'm  mildly obsessed with the funny sound effects.

 Other than Charlie fighting for attention and acting like a complete drama-queen, things have been going well. Charlie has been extremely helpful in her role as "big sister".  She enjoys holding her brother, fetching his Binky, rocking him to sleep, and filling in as photographer when needed.

Speaking of Frankie. He is now almost 6 weeks old!! Here are the 1 month photos that Charlie helped me with.

And speaking of 6 weeks....that means our next big adjustment... me returning to work next week. Waaa!

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