Saturday, Grandma and Aunt Jes came over for cookie baking. We started at 10:30am and did not finish up until around 8:00 pm!! We did take an intermission from baking to see The Nutcracker on Ice at the Webster Groves Rec Center, followed by dinner at Chili's. By the end of the day my back hurt, my feet ached, and I was dog tired. Who knew baking cookies was so exhausting....
Our official taste tester:
Finished product:
-oatmeal scotchies
-chocolate drops
-chocolate chip
-candy cane twist
-oatmeal waffle cookies
-sugar cookies
-peanut butter reindeer cookies
-chocolate covered pretzels
-and some others I cannot remember....
and a cookie just for Grandpa, made by Charlie:
Nutcracker on Ice:
And then Sunday we went to the Galleria to say HI to Santa. I was truly SURPRISED by Charlie's reaction. I was expecting to have a picture something like this:
Nope. Charlie LOVED Santa. Which is a total shocker because she is all about the stranger danger, especially with big hairy men. But as soon as Chuck put her down, she walked right up to him and started jib jabbering away. We put her up on his lap expecting a total melt down and she started playing with his stuffed animals. We even got a smile out of her!
Awww, what a cutie!