Wednesday, December 7, 2011


When I was pregnant I signed up for weekly baby update emails and I still get them. LOVE THEM. Normally they are right on track. As I am reading, "around this time your baby should start pulling up on couches, chairs, etc." or "your baby may begin drooling like the Niagara Falls" or "picking her nose", you get the picture. I look over and Charlotte will be doing that exact same thing as I am reading it! It's crazy how dead on they are. Well this weeks update mentioned that around 18 months toddlers growth spurts start to slow down. Not my child. She is still growing like a freaking weed on crack! Seriously. Look at this picture. I swear these jammies were on the ground last week. Now look at them:

And then I look back at photos 6 months ago. I cannot believe how much she has changed! For instance her hair:
12 months-

18 months!:

Wow, right? My baby girl is growing up. (tear). Other than Charlie growing like a weed, nothing new and exciting has happened lately. Last weekend Charlie and I did take a trip to the Science Center. Just us girls. Normally I dont like going out in public with her. She tends to throw loud and embarrassing tantrums. But this trip was acutally quite enjoyable. There was really nothing for her to destroy, which was great. I just let her run wild like a crazy child! She did walk into several window displays. They really do keep the glass clean at the SC. I watched an older child run full steam into a glass display. Hit so hard it almost knocked him unconscious. At first I was concerned, but then laughed my ass off. It would have been a big winner on AFV if it was caught on tape. lol.  

I wonder what was going through her head here:

She stood in this same spot for about 30 minutes looking up at that big ol' dino. And occassionally would tense up and give an evil laugh- you know what I am talking about Aunt Jes. Here is one last clip. Explanation: She has been trying really hard to JUMP lately. She is so darn cute :)

1 comment:

  1. Her computing skills are amazing too! Last weekend she wanted to help Aunt Jes with the laptop. I put her on my lap and turned it to Most people are aware of the set up: about 40 headlines, each with their own photo, and every few seconds the slideshow goes to the next photo/headline. So Charlotte was entertained for what seemed like hours (probably only minutes) pounding away at the keyboard and every time the photo changed she'd give out a little squeal of excitement. She got so excited, her little legs would tense up to the point of shaking a little. She's so cute.
